ew Paragraph
Sampson and Eliza
7 Richmond Villas, Baums Lane, Mansfield 15th April 22
Back Garden Richmond Villas 7 Baums Lane 15th April 22
Back Garden Richmond Villas 7 Baums Lane with large extension, patio doors and additional dorma window in the attick 15th April 22. Position of the scullery and dog kennel.
The view from Richmond Villas 7 Baums Lane 15th April 22. No railway lines.
Memories of grandad sitting in the middle room listening to the radio. 15th April 22
1921 Census entry 4 Peacock Street. Unfortunately the 1931 Census was destroyed by fire and the 1941 Census was not carried out because of the war.
Easter 1946
Devonshire Shoes Factory Trip 1953. Sam on extreme right.
Elizer in the kitchen with ?????
Sampsons Death Certificate 28th May 1967 aged 89
Sam in Royal Order of Buffalos regalia
Soldier Sampson - the one who knew how to look after a pair of boots1
Elizer in the back garden at 7 Baums Lane
Sampson and Elizer - Golden Wedding. John has the retirement pocket watch and chain seen in the photo
Young Elizer
Elizer with ???? Clifford or Dorothy???
Christening Photo?
Report of Sam and Elizers Golden Wedding. Top missing and needs date.